Book-Length Resource on Postsecondary Pedagogy

{Flixelpix} David

The most recent edition of Linda Nilson’s book, Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructorsprovides some helpful guidance for managing the 21st-century classroom.  The following are some topics you’ll find in the table of contents:

  • Understanding Your Students and How They learn
  • Outcomes-Centered Course Design
  • Building Critical Thinking into a Course Design
  • Deciding What Technology to Use
  • Copyright Guidelines for Instructors
  • Creating a Welcoming Classroom
  • Enhancing Student Motivation
  • Preventing and Responding to Classroom Incivility
  • Preserving Academic Integrity
  • Managing Productive Groups

This book covers these topics succinctly, yet comprehensively.

I’ve linked to the Ryerson Library catalogue, so you can access the book using your own account.


CMN 300 Assignment

Last term I created a successful assignment for CMN 300 (Communication in the Computer Industry) that may have general applicability.  Essentially, I asked students to work in groups to create an oral proposal, presented to the class, to recommend a change to Ryerson’s Digital Media Experience Lab.

The inspiration came from a short talk to Procom faculty in August by one of Ryerson’s computer science undergrads, who explained that the lab appealed particularly to students in his department. The groups produced very creative solutions, and they did a great job creating professional PowerPoints and communicating enthusiasm for their hypothetical projects.  The written summaries linked to the presentations were less impressive, but the content was essential for assessing the persuasive elements.

File: CMN 300 Proposal

Grading Standards for Written Work

Copyright © 2017 by Linda Schofield

Maaany years ago, when Procom was known as “The Department of Business and Technical Communication,” we created an information sheet that described the criteria for assigning various letter grades to professional communication assignments in our courses, primarily CMN 432 and CMN 124.  Working from a draft, as a group we painstakingly revised the wording in a departmental meeting until we were able to agree on common standards.  I still use this document to help students understand what assumptions are behind the assigning of a “C,” “B” etc.

Not everyone was comfortable with this approach, of course, but if you think the document might be helpful, you’re welcome to use or revise it: gradingstandards-1

Request for Submissions

As mentioned before the break, I’d like to add a category to the blog that archives teaching tips from our group. This could be a sample assignment, rubric or exercise that worked well, a document you created that clarifies a teaching principle, or an approach you take that you believe others can follow that increases efficiency or facilitates student learning.

Each submission will be posted separately, with a copyright notice, and categorized under “Teaching Tips,” for ease of reference. I’ll start the ball rolling with two of my own—a new idea and an old one.

Additionally, if you’re comfortable sending me any publication (interpreted loosely) that you don’t mind being included on the ProCUPE publication page, then please email the file or link. Michael, Catherine, Rob and John have already allowed access to their great material.

In the hope it will help coax any reluctant members to send something, I’ll post an old article from my pre-Ryerson days. Though there is some discussion of rhetoric, I have to confess the subject appeals to a rather small audience and is best tackled when battling insomnia.

I trust you all had time to decompress. My apologies for breaking into that calm. However, I assume if I didn’t ask for material before the oncoming work storm, we’d have to wait another four months….

Marking Tips for the End of Term



Andre Duret-Lutz

At this time of year, we all have our own ways of balancing the volume of assignments, our standards, and time.  Advice on how to manage this process is everywhere.  Here is one example, written by Brian Martin, an Australian university professor, that is both practical and amusing.

By the way, though I didn’t seek out an image with Santa watching over a pile of work, I managed to find one…

LTO Workshop: Snapchat, Reddit and Social Media in Education



I thought those who weren’t able to attend the November 16 workshop might like to have a summary of the content.  There were two presenters: Anatoliy Gruzd, a researcher with Ryerson’s Social Media Lab, who is principal investigator for a project on learning analytics in the social media age, and Rahman Ata, a graduate student in the Faculty of Science who is a Snapchat strategy consultant with Snapchat Access + Research Agency (SARA).

Dr. Gruzd provided data from his research on faculty perceptions of the strategic use of social media in education. You’ll find various related slideshows and the project blog if you scroll down the page I’ve linked to above.  He also recommended an eBook, Social Media for Academics: A Practical Guide, which can be accessed through the Ryerson Library.

Rahman Ata explained how he created mini stories using Snapchat to help his biology students review information from lectures.  He brought the sensibility of Generation Y to this subject, and I thought he argued persuasively that Snapchat’s 24-hour limit can motivate students to seek out and retain key information.

When PowerPoint slideshows are made available on the Learning and Teaching site you’ll find them here.

The following are themes that emerged during the general discussion:

  • When designing assignments and exercises using social media, should faculty surrender to the reality that students increasingly prefer to communicate through images rather than writing, or is our role to encourage them to work outside of their comfort zone?
  • Is it appropriate to have students use their personal social media accounts for class work, or would it be better to design assignments that use only closed networks, such as D2L?

Apparently next week’s LTO workshop–Designing Technology Enhanced Learning–is already full, but I’m sure Wendy Freeman, who is one of the organizers, can direct you to resources.

Old Issues, New Thoughts About Teaching Grammar


                                                Brown’s First Lessons in Language and Grammar (1904)

Two essays in the WAC Journal tackle the pedagogical value of grammar instruction in higher education.  The first, “What if the Earth is Flat? Working With, Not Against, Faculty Concerns about Grammar in Student Writing,” by Daniel Cole, analyzes the results of a retreat designed to help faculty without expertise in communication pedagogy to understand how to help students write better. His study covers a lot of familiar ground for anyone who has taught professional writing in a university and struggled both to teach students to write grammatically and to temper expectations of consequent miraculous conversions to eloquence.  Joanna Wolfe’s response, “Disciplining Grammar: A Response to Daniel Cole,” hinges to some extent on a straw-man argument: “it’s not true that good grammar = good writing.”  Her vivid sample exercises, however, effectively support her assertion that “we need to be prepared to provide concrete advice and tools that can help faculty recognize and teach the organizational macrostructures and rhetorical conventions common in their disciplines.”

Robo Markers


Bill Dickinson

At the moment, Word’s grammar checker is a poor substitute for a seasoned writing instructor.  However, a start-up company, WriteLab, is trying to perfect machine learning for programs that assess writing, not for just a few stylistic and grammatical errors, but “quality” of composition.  Once a dogged critic of these programs, MIT research affiliate, Leslie Perelman, joined Writelab as Chief Research Scientist. A Boston Globe interview from last year documents the reasons behind his change of heart.  I haven’t been able to discover evidence that he is still a member of the company team.

Recent Journal Articles on Professional Communication


The September 2016 issue of Business and Professional Communication Quarterly contains a number of articles relevant to our teaching: the use of social media in communication courses, what professional communication skills employers value, and the importance of weaning anxious students from over-dependency on PowerPoint text slides. The findings aren’t earth-shatteringly surprising, but you’re likely to find worthwhile nuggets.

The October 2016 issue of the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication focuses on human-centred design.* This subject is top-of-mind for me because I’m in the midst of marking my computer science students’ user documentation assignment. Here is the abstract for this special issue:

In this special journal issue, we explore the turn toward human-centered design (HCD) in research and higher education. We begin with a discussion of how HCD emerged in scholarly work at the edges of our field in places such as design, psychology, art, and engineering. Following this, we consider how an HCD perspective is manifesting itself in academic programs in different institutional contexts. We then discuss how this trend is further illustrated by the transformation of our department at the University of Washington, which shifted from being the Department of Technical Communication to becoming the Department of Human Centered Design and Engineering. Finally, we discuss the work of a group of researchers who contributed articles to this special issue. Each of these articles offers a perspective from someone within our field about how an HCD perspective has influenced their thinking and research.

*See “Human-Centered Design Considered Harmful” for a contrarian view.