The University of Toronto (Mississauga) is requesting applications for an assistant professorship in Critical Marketing/Advertising Studies and Digital Culture in the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology. The application deadline is December 4, 2023.
Author Archives: Linda Schofield
Job: Limited Term Appointment
Trent University is advertising two, two-year limited-term appointments in Strategic Communication. The offer is open until July 19, 4:00 PM, or until filled. If you’re interested you need to act fast.
Job Opportunities: Courses at McMaster
Take a look at the Careers page for the department of Communication Studies and Media Arts at McMaster University for the available courses below:
CMST 2TM6 – Foundations in Communication Theory & Methods
CMST 3II3/POLSCI 3IP3 – Intellectual Property
CMST 3WR3 – Professional Writing
CMST 4D03 – International Communication
CMST 4E03 – Media and Promotionalism
CMST 4N03 – News Analysis: Theory and Practice
MEDIAART 1A03 – Media Arts
MEDIAART 2A06 – Design & Code
MEDIAART 3BB3 – New Media Art Practices
MEDIAART 3K03 – Game Studies
Note that the deadline for applications is June 16.
Job Opportunity: Tenure-Track
The Digital and Communication Studies Department of Ontario Tech University is inviting applications for a tenure-track position for July, 2023. The deadline for receipt of all applications is April 7, 2023.
This opportunity has an indirect ProCom connection. One of our tenured professors, Dr. Isabel Pedersen, joined the faculty at Ontario Tech a number of years ago, where she has continued her research into wearable tech. You can find her profile page here for information on recent publications and awards. She’s now the director of the Decimal Lab and the Digital Life Institute. If you check out her Twitter account, you’ll note she is fully engaged with the debate about AI language systems.
Contemplating ChatGPT

A chart is making the rounds purporting to represent looming advances of Large Language Learning in ChatGPT, showing where we are now (version 3) vs. where we will be soon (version 4) in the automated generation of human-like communication. The thought of ChatGPT 3 alarmed and overwhelmed me enough when I learned students could use the tool to create plausible written documents that I asked both TMU’s AIO and about ways to safeguard academic integrity. What I learned was not reassuring. This post records what I’ve discovered so far. Undoubtedly a number of you have much more to say on this subject.
My impression of’s response to AI-created writing is that they’re nowhere near integrating academic-integrity safeguards that we can rely on. TMU’s Office of Academic Integrity currently (February, 2023) admits that it’s not yet possible to detect AI content, nor has Policy 60 been updated to address this issue.
We did have enough notice in September to add a note in our syllabi; however without a reliable tool to combat this kind of plagiarism, we really can’t do much, save having private, probing conversations with students–not a pleasant option. A professor at Innis College’s Writing & Rhetoric program at U of T has told me she may start assigning in-class essays. We could always return to the hand-written in-class writing assignments of yesteryear, but major grumbling, not to mention the headache of marking cursive, are not attractive prospects.
TMU’s Office of Academic Integrity has created a community of practice and provided regular workshops for instructors grappling with this issue. You could ask to be included in the community of practice, and you’ll get a D2L organization on your Brightspace page, where you can see what other members are thinking and can find leads on ways to manage the challenges. Allyson Miller ( appears to be the AI point person for the AIO. Topics for the latest workshop’s roundtable discussions reflect the most pressing ones that have emerged at other universities: “how to design assessments that either 1) thwart student use of AI, 2) leverage AI, or 3) challenge and/or critique AI.”
To be honest, I was surprised at how quickly surrender was promoted. Back in December 2022, an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education took this view. Our own AIO office recommended a tip sheet for integrating ChatGPT into the classroom, despite its incoherence and indirect invitation to be a commodity audience. Further afield, Manchester Met has sponsored an open slideshare inviting academics to post their ideas, and so far contributors are more excited than fearful. A common refrain is that we surrender to the ghost in the machine and try to learn from its bloodless shuffling of coherent-sounding sentences.
It’s understandable and probably realistic to contemplate how we’ll adapt, given the inevitable expansion of this tool’s capabilities. Nonetheless, possibly because of my early training and temperament, I prefer to begin with resistance and questions like those produced by Stanford University’s Institute for Human-Centred AI. Though as CUPE lecturers we’re mostly teaching “practical” writing skills, I’d argue we’re also instilling agency and allowing individual students to discover what they’re capable of as communicators. Do we really want to farm out the responsibility for a very human exchange to a non-human voice? I fear that in our effort to discover a solution to simple challenges we’re reaching for the stars but finding the green light on our computer monitors or the mirror image of a blinking cursor from a faceless stranger’s blank page.
Happy Holidays!

Job Opportunity: Tenure-track Professor
The University of New Brunswick is advertising a tenure-track position for an assistant professor in Communication Studies, with a health, sports or wellness specialization. Applications will be accepted before January 20, 2023.
Job Opportunity: Professor
Anyone who has seven years of professional experience in addition to a relevant Ph.D. might wish to apply for a Professor, Bachelor of Digital Communications position at Humber College in the Faculty of Media & Creative Arts. The deadline to apply is November 11, 2022.
Job Opportunity: Sessional Positions
The Department of Communication Studies & Media Arts at McMaster University has two courses advertised for sessional lecturers for the Winter 2023 semester: International Communication (CMST 4D03) and Social Activism in the Media (CMST4P03). This link takes you to the main job ads page, and you then type in the course name to see the description and the instructions for applying. You need to act fast. The deadline for applications is October 26.
Job Opportunity: Assistant Professorship
The Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Waterloo is soliciting applications for a tenure-track position in Critical Digital Studies at the rank of Assistant Professor. The proposed start date would be July 1, 2023. Note the deadline for submission: November 22, 2022.